Do we know who we really are ?

हम सब अपने को धोखा देने में लगे है|हमारे ज़िन्दगी का एक ही मक़सद है अपने से झूट बोलना और यही हमारे दुःख का सबसे बड़ा कारण भी है |

What is self ? Have you ever tried to define your self ?

Self is the answer to the question ‘Who are you ?’. Most of us are in delusion that we know our self,but it isn’t the case. We are trying level best to deceive ourselves.  This world of humans is running on conditional regards i.e behind every praise we receive there is always a condition involved. Say for example ,if you get good grades in school or college then you are rewarded by your parents and if you fail you are scolded or discarded and looked down upon by your friends.This is what is known as conditional positive regard. Now because we want positive regards from our parents and society we fail to examine our true self. Had the positive regards been unconditional we would have examined our self and utilized the options that would have resulted in the core competencies present in us to be utilized effectively.But because the regard is conditional,therefore we enter into a denial mode thereby deceiving ourselves by trying to do things that society or parents want and doing things outside our core competencies.Conditional regard is responsible for all the distress in life.

This persisting self deception results in abnormality in the form of distortion of self . This also threatens our existence in the environment. Distortion of self is also responsible for development of inferiority complex in humans.

Let it go !

Emotions are like a river ,the intensity of its flow goes on decreasing gradually as it traverses. You cannot expect a person to show the same warmth throughout.So enjoy the moment and let it go.Do not capture moments because if you do that you will not be able to enjoy the present.Just let it go and when you let it go, it will come back in some other form  for sure.